Post by DonFor those among us with liberal tastes and kitchen secrets, consider
the following site for suggestions on cuisine for those "special"
Marketing Dog and Cat Meat
Dog and cat meat may be sold either through local papers or over the
Internet. Craigslist (use the "general" category under "for sale") is
one of the best sources for businesses to market it. We have had
problems with eBay in the past and the Amazon Marketplace does not
provide a venue. Meats must be shipped in dry ice*. We recommend
Federal Express or UPS overnight.
Code Words: 420, once only used as a code word for marijuana, has
rapidly been popping up to represent pet meat, as has the term "roses"
or "kisses." 420 when used in conjunction with dinner, means dog or
cat meat. 150 roses or kisses means 150 oz. (or kg. dependent upon
your location) of dog or cat meat when GFE is also mentioned in the ad
(GFE stands for Good for Eating). Dog and cat meat is so sought after
that many women will actually trade it for sex. Check out the
Craigslist Erotic Section (so recent to criticism) and type the
letters GFE into the search box. See how many woman will pander their
bodies just for a taste of Muffin or Stew.